Vegan Yogurt-Homemade


1 gallon of almond milk

4 tbsp plain vegan almond yogurt with active cultures

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Vegan Yogurt-Homemade

Dec 05, 2022Brian Witmer

This recipe makes about 6 cups of yogurt


  1. Sterilize Utensils: Add 1 cup of water to the Instant Pot. Place the wire rack and utensils (measuring cups, whisk, etc.) inside. Pressure cook for 3 minutes to sterilize
  2. Pour 1 gallon of good quality unsweetened plain almond milk into the instant pot. Press the Yogurt button until the display reads “boil.”
  3. Bring Milk to 180°F: Place the lid on the Instant Pot and heat the milk to 180°F (takes about an hour). Some Instant Pots will shut off automatically. Whisking every 10-15 minutes helps prevent scorching
  4. Cool the Milk: Once the milk reaches 180°F, transfer the pot to an ice bath. Cool the milk to 95-110°F
  5. In a separate bowl, mix 4 tbsp of almond yogurt culture with a small amount of the warm milk. Whisk until smooth
  6. Whisk the starter mixture back into the cooled milk and return the inner pot to the Instant Pot.
  7. Press the Yogurt button and set the cook time for 9-10 hours. A longer incubation results in a thicker and tangier yogurt
  8. At the end of the cycle, strain the yogurt using a cheesecloth or towel for several hours (or overnight) to separate the whey. The whey can be saved for baking or other uses
  9. Add parchment paper to your trays
  10. Spread the yogurt evenly on trays
  11. Add dividers for easy portioning
  12. Pre Freeze when possible
  13. Freeze dry (my cycle time was 33 hours)
  14. Powder in a food processor
  15. Store in jars for short-term use or in mylar bags for long-term storage



1 1/2 parts yogurt to 1 part water. Whisk or mix thoroughly to achieve smooth texture. This can vary depending on desired thickness.   


Save 4 tbsp of yogurt from previous batch for starter in your next batch

Nutritional Value Per 1 cup pre-freeze-dried

Calories: 126  Protein: 4 g   Fat: 10 g   Carbohydrates: 3  g   Sugar: 1 g   Fiber: 2 g

Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.

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