Contributed By: Live. Life. Simple.
2 C of frozen edamame seeds per small tray*
- Steam the edamame according to directions on the bag.
- Remove the seeds from the shells.
- Quickly blitz in a blender of food process to just nick the skins. (This step isn’t required but will shorten the freeze drying time)
- Add Buffalo Sauce and stir until the beans are all covered
- Spread evenly across a parchment lined tray
- Pre-Freeze or go directly into the Freeze Dryer
- Freeze Dry
- Store Appropriately (See Tips and Tricks for storage help)
Cycle Time:
24 Hours
Not intended
* Extra Large Tray = 15 Cups/Tray Large Tray = 8 Cups/tray Medium = 6 Cups/Tray Small = 4 Cups/Tray Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.
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