Stuffed Fruit Roll Ups


Fruit Roll Ups

And your choice of filling:

Nerd Gummy Clusters

Cotton Candy


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Stuffed Fruit Roll Ups

Jan 15, 2025Brenda Brink

This recipe will make as many stuffed fruit roll ups as you choose to make*


  1. Unwrap each fruit roll up as you are ready to work with it. 

  2. Once unwrapped decide if you want them to stay full length or if you want to cut them down. 

  3. Leaving space so that you can bring the fruit roll up over the “stuffing” in the middle, add your candy (leaving room for each candy to expand the way they normally do)

  4. Loosely roll the fruit roll up and stuffing into a tube shape

  5. Place on a parchment lined tray

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 until you have all of the stuffed fruit roll ups you want

  7. Set your machine to whatever temperature in Candy mode that you use for the stuffing candy. (I usually use 135 for skittles and 150 for Nerd Gummy Clusters)

  8. Once the 15 minute cool down period is done, add warming time as you would for the stuffing candy, I don’t usually preheat skittles but my machine needs to preheat Nerd Gummy Clusters) You may want to put a sheet of parchment over the top if you are preheating. 

  9. Run the candy for the same amount of time that you normally would for the “Stuffing”

  10. Allow to cool before packaging. The Fruit Roll ups will get crunchy as they cool. 

  11. Store Appropriately (See Tips and Tricks for storage help)

* Extra Large Tray = 15 Cups/Tray   Large Tray = 8 Cups/tray   Medium = 6 Cups/Tray   Small = 4 Cups/Tray Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.


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