Deer Loin Tacos


1.5- 2 lb. Deer Loin or deer venison

Vegetable or beef broth

Sriracha (optional)

1 Onion diced

4 cloves of Garlic minced

1 Bell Pepper

½ tsp Brown Sugar

1 tbsp Chili Powder

1 tsp Cumin

1 tsp Paprika

1 tsp Salt

½ tsp Pepper

¼ tsp Garlic Powder

¼ tsp Onion Powder

¼ tsp Oregano

¼ tsp Red Pepper Flakes (optional)

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Freeze Drying Accessories

Deer Loin Tacos

Mar 01, 2023Brenda Brink
Contributed By: Live. Life. Simple.

This recipe will make 1 medium tray*


  1. Slice deer into thin strips, place into a dish and fill with broth until meat is submerged
  2. In a separate bowl mix together spices and mix into dish with meat and broth
  3. If you have a vacuum chamber sealer, run the meat dish through a marinade cycle, otherwise, you can marinate this overnight if desired.
  4. In a sous vide bag or crock pot, add a couple splashes of sriracha along with onion, garlic and bell pepper along with the meat and spice mixture
  5. Sous vide for 2 hours at 129 degrees or a slow cooker on low for 8 hours, high for 5 hours (make sure there is enough liquid in your slow cooker)
  6. Drain off liquid and freeze the liquid (24 hours) or add to a freeze dryer pan (I use ice cube trays) You can also freeze a tray of cheese, diced tomatoes or other fixings
  7. Add drained taco meat mixture to parchment paper lined freeze dryer tray with tray dividers in the 10 portion setting, freeze and freeze dry
  8. Store Appropriately (See Tips and Tricks for storage help)


Cycle Time:

23 hours 12 minutes


for 60 grams of taco mixture, add 3-4 broth cubes and â…” cup warm water and let sit for 3-5 minutes

Add lettuce, tomatoes and fixings to a taco or tortilla shell and enjoy!


* Large Tray = 8 Cups/tray   Medium = 6 Cups/Tray   Small = 4 Cups/Tray

Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.


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