Chicken Chow Mein


2 - 12 oz bags La Choy Chow Mein Noodles

2 - 42 oz cans La Choy Chicken Chow Mein

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Chicken Chow Mein

Jan 16, 2023Brenda Brink
Contributed By: John in Bibs

This recipe makes 6 servings


  1. Cook up the Chicken Chow Mein according to the directions on the can. 
  2. Spread the Chicken Chow Mein across a lined tray, use dividers set to 10 portions and press through food. 
  3. Spread the Chow Mein Noodles out on separate trays.
  4. Free until solid.
  5. Freeze dry.
  6. Store 2 portions of Chicken Chow Mein as one serving in mylar bags and ⅙ of the noodles in another bag for long-term storage.


Chow Mein Noodles do not need to be rehydrated.  

Chicken Chow Mein: 2 portions = 1 serving

Add ½ cup boiling water, mix, cover and let stand for 2 minutes. Check, stir, add more water if necessary and let stand for 2 more minutes.


Even though it may seem unnecessary, the noodles should be freeze dried as well to ensure long term storage. 

Nutritional Value Per 1 serving

Calories: 260 Protein: 8 g   Fat: 7 g   Carbohydrates: 33 g   Sugar: 6 g   Fiber: 7 g

Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.

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