Freeze Dried Milk


16 Cups of Milk = 1 gallon

Large Capacity is 40 Cups

Medium Capacity is 24 Cups

Small Capacity is 12 Cups

You may want to do less than max capacity if you are moving your trays around

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Freeze Dried Milk

Apr 24, 2023Brenda Brink

A Freeze Dried Pantry Recipe

Contributed By: Live. Life. Simple.

This recipe yields the rated amount of capacity based on your freeze dryer size (see below)


  1. Determine how many cups each tray of your freeze dryer is capable of holding
  2. If possible, pre-freeze for 24 hours
  3. If prefreeze is not possible, insert trays into the freeze dryer rack and pull out slightly to fill trays.  Fill until just below the lip.  Pay attention to the rear of the tray.  The rack may be slightly tilted for drainage
  4. Freeze dry and add dry time if necessary
  5. Powder freeze dried milk by running through a food processor
  6. Store Appropriately (See Tips and Tricks for storage help)


Cycle Time:

60 hrs 42 min in XL freeze dryer with no pre-freeze


1 oz of freeze dried milk powder + 1 cup water = 1 cup of milk


* Large Tray = 8 Cups/tray   Medium = 6 Cups/Tray   Small = 4 Cups/Tray

Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.


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