Backpacker's Breakfast


2 C Basmati Rice

2 C Chicken Broth

2 C Water

1 C Frozen peas (or freeze dried peas add ⅓ C water)

2 Apples

12 Eggs

1 lb Protein of Choice (video uses Bacon Sausage)

Seasonings Italian Seasoning, Oregano, Garlic Salt, whatever you prefer

Optional Shredded Cheddar Cheese

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Backpacker's Breakfast

Jan 05, 2025Brenda Brink
Contributed By: Adventures in Freeze Drying

One recipe will fill 2 Large Trays and is 8 servings*


  1. Cook the Basmati Rice according to the directions on the package using the broth and water, add peas once rice is almost completely cooked.  
  2. While rice is cooking, cook up your protein and cut or chop into small pieces, if greasy, drain and rinse well. 
  3. Chop the Apples into small thin pieces allowing them to freeze dry easily. 
  4. Add 1 tsp of salt to your dozen eggs, scramble, and then cook them until they are just under cooked. 
  5. Add everything to the cooked rice and peas (except cheese you will freeze dry the cheese separately and add to the package of FD breakfast) mix well. 
  6. Spread evenly across your trays, use dividers if you wish to maintain portions. 
  7. Freeze Dry
  8. Add the FD cheese to the package. 
  9. Store Appropriately (See Tips and Tricks for storage help)

Cycle Time:

31 hours


Add approximately 1 C of boiling water to 1 serving of backpackers breakfast. Let sit for about 5 minutes (add more water if needed)

* Extra Large Tray = 15 Cups/Tray   Large Tray = 8 Cups/tray   Medium = 6 Cups/Tray   Small = 4 Cups/Tray Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.

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