Dehydrated Banana Chips



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Dehydrated Banana Chips

Apr 24, 2023Brenda Brink
Contributed By: Adventures in Freeze Drying


  1. Set your machine to 150℉, (Candy Mode) save the setting and go to the home screen and hit start. 
  2. While your machine starts to cool down, line your freeze dryer trays with parchment paper.
  3. Slice your bananas to ⅛” thick and spread out on your tray laying flat. Try not to overlap the bananas, and only do one layer of bananas.. 
  4. Once your machine has cooled for the 15 minute countdown, turn on Candy mode. 
  5. Put your trays into the freeze dryer, and make sure the pressure release/drain valve is closed, select Skip for warming trays, and your machine will start. 
  6. Let the bananas run for 4 hours and then stop the load momentarily.  Do not hit defrost, you will end up “starting another candy batch”. Flip each banana chip over, and continue the batch, skip warming trays, and let run for another 2 hours minimum. 
  7. The bananas are done whenever they reach a “rubbery” state.  You can dry them as long as you wish to attain the final state you prefer.
  8. Freeze dry (my cycle time was about 7  hours)
  9. Store in jars for short-term use.  They will not store long term.


No intended for rehydration.  These are another sweet and healthy snack that your family will love.  If you are a fan of dehydrated fruits, this definitely hits the mark!


Remember, this is not going to give you fully freeze dried bananas.  There will be moisture intentionally left in the bananas, so they will not store long term.

Nutritional Value Per ⅓ cup

Calories: 130   Protein: 1 g   Fat: 0.5 g   Carbohydrates: 35 g   Sugar: 19 g   Fiber: 4 g

Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.

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