Thanksgiving Leftovers Casserole


4 cups stuffing divided into 2 cup portions

4 cups (1 lb) turkey

¼ cup & ½ cup Greek yogurt

¼ cup cranberry sauce

2 cups mashed potatoes

shredded cheese (optional)

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Thanksgiving Leftovers Casserole

Nov 27, 2022Brian Witmer

This recipe makes 8 cups


    1. Set oven to 375°F
    2. Spread 2 cups of stuffing evenly on the bottom of a 9x13 casserole dish
    3. Add a layer of shredded turkey on top of the stuffing
    4. In a bowl, mix ¼ cup Greek yogurt with cranberry sauce
    5. Spread this mixture evenly over the turkey layer
    6. In another bowl, combine ½ cup Greek yogurt with mashed potatoes (add cheese if desired)
    7. Spread this mixture evenly over the turkey
    8. Layer 2 more cups of stuffing on top
    9. Press gently into the mashed potatoes to prevent burning
    10. Bake at 375°F for 40 minutes or until the center is bubbling; let it cool
    11. Add parchment paper to your trays
    12. Spread the casserole evenly onto your trays
    13. Add dividers if using. We like the 10-portion setting
    14. Pre Freeze when possible
    15. Freeze dry (my cycle time was 34 hours)
    16. Store in jars for short-term use or in mylar bags for long-term storage


    Add 2 of your ten divider portions or about 1 ½ cups of the freeze-dried casserole to a bowl with ¾-1 cup of hot water. Cover and let it sit for 2-3 minutes. Stir and let it sit for 3-4 more minutes.  Enjoy


    Depending on what is in your mashed potatoes(heavy cream, butter etc), this may not be good for long-term storage

    Nutritional Value Per  2 divider portions or about 1 ½ cups

    Calories 399   Carbohydrates 46 g   Protein 19 g   Fat 14 g   Fiber 5  g   Sugar 7 g

    Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.

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