- Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and add the ground meat. Cook until it is evenly browned, stirring occasionally.
- Drain off the excess fat by pouring it into a safe container or using a colander. Rinse the cooked meat with hot water for about 5 minutes to remove any remaining fat, then drain thoroughly.
- Return the lean meat to the skillet.
- Add the water and taco seasoning as directed on the package.
- Stir well and continue cooking until the water is absorbed and the seasoning is fully incorporated.
- Free until solid.
- Freeze dry.
- Store in jars for short-term use or in mylar bags for long-term storage.
In a bowl, combine water and taco meat at a 1:1 ratio. Stir and cover. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Stir and let sit for an additional 2 minutes.
When preparing ground beef for freeze drying—especially for long-term storage—minimizing the fat content is crucial. Fat can lead to rancidity and reduced shelf life because it doesn’t freeze-dry well. To increase the storage life consider these tips:
- Select lean cuts
- Rinse at least once after cooking
- Pat it dry after rinsing to blot up additional fats
- Ensure it is frozen solid when you start freeze drying
Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.
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