Taco Meat


Ground beef (lean cuts)
Taco seasoning

Taco Meat

Sep 14, 2022Brian Witmer
Contributed By: John in Bibs
This recipe makes as much as you wish to prepare.


  1. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and add the ground meat. Cook until it is evenly browned, stirring occasionally.
  2. Drain off the excess fat by pouring it into a safe container or using a colander. Rinse the cooked meat with hot water for about 5 minutes to remove any remaining fat, then drain thoroughly.
  3. Return the lean meat to the skillet.
  4. Add the water and taco seasoning as directed on the package.
  5. Stir well and continue cooking until the water is absorbed and the seasoning is fully incorporated.
  6. Free until solid.
  7. Freeze dry.
  8. Store in jars for short-term use or in mylar bags for long-term storage.


In a bowl, combine water and taco meat at a 1:1 ratio.  Stir and cover.  Let it sit for 5 minutes.  Stir and let sit for an additional 2 minutes. 


When preparing ground beef for freeze drying—especially for long-term storage—minimizing the fat content is crucial. Fat can lead to rancidity and reduced shelf life because it doesn’t freeze-dry well.  To increase the storage life consider these tips:

  • Select lean cuts
  • Rinse at least once after cooking
  • Pat it dry after rinsing to blot up additional fats
  • Ensure it is frozen solid when you start freeze drying
Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.


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