Contributed By: Live. Life. Simple.
A 16lb Jackfruit yielded 3 large trays of fruit, and 1 large tray of seeds to freeze dry *
- Cut the jackfruit in half. You are after the pods that the seeds are in, they look like a yellow pepper, and the seeds are in the middle of that part of the fruit. Remove the seeds, and save.
- Spread the prepared fruit evenly onto parchment lined trays.
- Take the shell off of the seeds, then boil them for 20 minutes and remove 1 more layer of skin. They taste and look like potatoes.
- I cut the seeds in half, put some spices on them, and spread them out on a lined large freeze dryer tray.
- Freeze everything until solid.
- Freeze Dry
- Store appropriately. (See Tips & Tricks for storage help)\
Cycle Time:
4 trays in my Large Freeze Dryer took about 30 hours.
Seeds can be thrown in cold water to soften back up. We eat the jackfruit fruit as a freeze dried snack.
* Large Tray = 8 Cups/tray Medium = 6 Cups/Tray Small = 4 Cups/Tray
Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.
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