Diced Tomatoes


tomatoes, whole

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Diced Tomatoes

Sep 14, 2022Brian Witmer

Prepare as many as you wish, but ~6 cups fills a med tray


  1. Rinse and core the tomatoes.
  2. Blanch: Drop them into a pot of boiling water for 30 seconds to one minute.
  3. Cool: Use a slotted spoon to transfer them to a bowl of ice water. This helps loosen the skins.
  4. Peel the tomatoes— the skins should slip off easily.
  5. Chop to your desired size.
  6. Simmer in a pot for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Prepare the freeze dryer trays: Line with parchment paper or silicone.
  8. Spread the tomatoes evenly on the trays, leaving excess liquid behind.
  9. Pre-freeze (optional) or place directly into the freeze dryer.
  10. Freeze dry (my cycle time with other tomato products was 30.5 hours)


Fresh tomatoes have a high water content. When rehydrating, add water at a ratio of just under half the volume of the freeze-dried tomatoes.


Feel free to add any seasonings to your diced tomatoes.  You can add them prior to freeze drying or when you rehydrate.

Nutritional Value Per ½  cup 

Calories: 15  Protein: 1 g   Fat: 0 g   Carbohydrates: 4 g   Sugar: 3 g   Fiber: 1 g

Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.



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Sep 14, 2022

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