Freeze Dried Rasberry Powder


2.5 lbs raspberries


Other fruit of choice
(puree amount will vary by fruit)

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Freeze Dried Rasberry Powder

Oct 04, 2022Brian Witmer

This recipe will yield 3 cups of puree and 1.5 cups of powder 

Contributed By: Karen Harmsworth


  1. Prepare washed raspberry pulp/puree; by using a berry press to separate the seeds and hard pieced, or blend them in a blender or food processor and process until smooth
  2. Spread the purée on parchment-lined freeze-dryer trays, ensuring the layer is no thicker than ½ inch. You may choose to use dividers to help with the drying process.
  3. Pre-freeze the purée by placing the trays in the freezer with stackers or lids. Freeze for at least 24 hours or until the purée is completely solid. Since fruit is high in sugar, this step helps prevent spills and messes in the freeze dryer
  4. Freeze dry (my cycle time was 48 hours)
  5. Store in jars for short-term use or in mylar bags for long-term storage


This is an ingredient intended to be used in other recipes. This makes amazing raspberry cookies. 



Allow extra drying time if your purée contains seeds from raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, or similar fruits. Seeds tend to retain moisture longer than the rest of the purée, which can result in uneven drying. Ensuring they are fully dried will improve the texture and shelf life of the final product. 

Nutritional Value Per 1 tbsp of (7g) of Raspberry Powder 

Calories: 25   Protein: 0.5 g   Fat: 0.1 g   Carbohydrates: 6 g   Sugar: 3 g   Fiber: 3g

Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.

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