This will make as many trays as you like* I suggest downloading the new Candy Mode software (V5.0.19) Instructions. This video linked below gives instructions on how to load the software
- Do NOT load trays in freeze dryer yet
- On the freeze dryer screen push Customize
- Adjust dry temp to between 135-150 (screen will show Candy/High Temperature Mode).
- Set extra dry time to 2-3 hours. 3 hours should get most candy done.
- Click Save and this will take you to main screen
- Your screen will show High Temperature Mode, Click Start
- This will start Cooling Vacuum Chamber (this takes 15 minutes)
- Add parchment paper to your tray (recommended but not required)
- Put Starbursts on the tray spaced evenly (dividers work great for this)
- After 15 minutes your freeze dryer will prompt you to load your trays into the freeze dryer
- On the same screen be sure “High Temperature Mode Candy Process” to ON
- Press Continue
- You will be asked if you want to warm your trays- ( I recommend you do warm the trays, unless you are doing a chocolate coated candy)
- If you choose to warm the trays it will set an automatic 5 minutes countdown. You can adjust this if you choose.
- After the trays warm the cycle will start
- After the cycle completes you will have the option to start a new candy batch. This gives you the option to do candy loads back to back.
- Store Appropriately (See Tips and Tricks for storage help)
Cycle Time:
2 to 3 Hours
Not Intended
* Large Tray = 8 Cups/tray Medium = 6 Cups/Tray Small = 4 Cups/Tray
Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.