Apple Spinach Brown Rice Baby Food


1 tbsp lemon juice (helps preserve and stops browning)

2½ cups cooked brown rice

5 cups raw spinach

5 cored apples

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Apple Spinach Brown Rice Baby Food

Aug 17, 2022Brian Witmer
 Recipe yields approximately 6 Cups 


  1. Cook the rice according to the package
  2. Core and cut apples into chunks
  3. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend into a smooth puree. 
  4. Line trays with parchment paper
  5. Pour baby food puree onto the tray and spread evenly across the tray
  6. Place dividers - 40 portions  (if you choose). You can also powder it after you freeze-dry
  7. Pre-freeze before Freeze Drying, when possible
  8. Freeze Dry  (My cycle time in a large freeze dryer with a premier pump was 57 hours for 5 trays of baby food)
  9. Store in jars for short-term use or in mylar bags for long-term storage


With divider portions: You can blend your cubes before rehydrating for a smoother texture. Add about 4 tbsp of water to 2 cubes from the 40-portion dividers. Stir and enjoy

Rehydration Without dividers: Powder in a blender or food processor. Add about 4 Tbsp of water to ¼ cup of powder. Stir and enjoy. 


These also make great snack bars without rehydrating. 

Nutritional Value Per ¼ Cup Serving 

Calories: 52  Protein: 0.91 g  Carbohydrates: 12 g Fiber: 1 g Sugars: 4 g Total Fat: 0.20 g

*Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.


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