Holiday Spice Simmer Pot


Cinnamon Sticks

Whole Cloves





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Holiday Spice Simmer Pot

Dec 08, 2024Brenda Brink
Contributed By: Adventures in Freeze Drying

This recipe will fill as many trays as you choose*


  1. Prepare fruit by slicing at about ¼ inch thick and either put cranberries in a food processor or cut them in half.
  2. You can layer fruit with parchment between layers up to 3 layers per tray (do not exceed your machines weight limit for food as fruit is heavy in water)
  3. Put the Cinnamon Sticks and Whole Cloves on a Tray 
  4. Freeze Dry
  5. Add some of each ingredient into a jar or bag add an oxygen absorber and seal
  6. Store Appropriately (See Tips and Tricks for storage help)
To Use:
Add all contents (or partial if a large jar or bag) into a pot on the stove. Cover with hot water and bring to a simmer on the stove top. Add water as needed so contents do not burn to the bottom of the pan.

Cycle Time:

36 hours


Not intended for human consumption

* Extra Large Tray = 15 Cups/Tray   Large Tray = 8 Cups/tray   Medium = 6 Cups/Tray   Small = 4 Cups/Tray Cycle times & rehydration for reference only. Your results may vary.


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