Substitutions For Freeze Dryer Friendly Recipes

Substitutions For Freeze Dryer Friendly Recipes

Sep 19, 2022Brian Witmer

***We will continue to add to this.  We do not have it in PDF form as it will be ever changing. If you want to print it, simply highlight and right click to print.

 If you have suggestions for substitutions, please email us at 


Plain yogurt, plain Greek yogurt, plant based yogurt, sour cream (in some cases) 

Syrup and Honey :

These have a long shelf life and don't FD well. I like to make packets of them. For example with french toast sticks I packaged some syrup in a sealed packet and put it in the bag with the FD'd sealed french toast sticks    (for other ideas See sugar substitutes below)

Sugar in baked dishes :

bananas, Stevia, or (in some cases)freeze dried watermelon powder or freeze dried banana powder are great sweeteners

Peanut Butter :

Powdered PB2 for peanut butter flavor. Can also use Avocado if you just need the "fat" content of the peanut butter for baking


Use Avocado in place of butter when baking (mash or blend for butter like consistency

Oil For Cooking/Sautéing :

Any kind of broth or plain old water. Just add a little at a time as you sauté.   

Oil For Baking:

 Apple Sauce, Banana, Pumpkin, avocado (cup for cup substitution)

Eggs (Yes, eggs do freeze dry. These are suggestions for vegan recipes):

-Aquafaba (liquid from chickpea cans) 

-You can use a quarter-cup unsweetened applesauce for one egg

-Flax Seed Egg: Combine one tablespoon of ground flax seeds with three tablespoons of water for every large egg you need

-Mix a teaspoon of baking soda and a tablespoon of white vinegar together for a light and fluffy substitute for one egg 

Heavy Cream:

-Cashew Cream (soak cashews in hot water for 30 minutes, drain, add to blender with a little water.  Add water until thick “cream” consistency

-1 cup milk with 1 to 2 tablespoons cornstarch or flour. (Whisk milk into cornstarch or flour little by little.)

-Cream cheese whisked with a little water 


-1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice (or light vinegar, such as white, white wine or champagne) to a measuring cup and add enough milk to reach 1 cup

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Comments (1)

  • I really appreciate these tips and look forward to more. I want to learn how to substitute my freeze-dry supplies in regular recipes but do not have the knowledge yet. For example, I used F.D zucchini to make bread for my neighbors. The recipe called for 2 cups zucchini so I rehydrated my zucchini and it took a 32oz jar of zucchini. Now I know that can’t be right but didn’t know how to figure it out. So any help in changing recipes to freeze-dried compatible recipes is greatly appreciated.


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